Te Whānau Puāwai o Ngākaunui
Nau mai, tauti mai. Welcome to our blog. Find out what we have been doing and what we have planned.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Iwi Off
On Rāpare, at 9:00am we had a quick karakia and got onto the bus to go to Iwi Off. When I got on the bus I felt so excited. Te Whānau Puāwai o Ngākaunui went from Woolston School.
When we got to CPiT I saw all my whānau. Te Whānau Tahi, Te Kura Whakapumau and about three high schools also went.
We sat down in the wharenui and had to get sorted into our waka, or iwi. I did not know which iwi to go into, because I have two iwi; Te Arawa and Kai Tahu. I just went to Kai Tahu because heaps of my friends were in that iwi.
We all went to our iwi kaiako and learned a song for each iwi or waka. We got to the middle of the waiata and then had paramanawa.
We had cookies, a bar, and fruit for morning tea and then we went to our iwi groups again.
When we were finished the waiata, we all went back into the wharenui and sang our songs in front of everyone. It was awesome, and then we had a bar-b-cue for lunch, then went back to school.
On the bus we were all talking about Iwi Off and we were in the wharenui singing. I had so much fun at Iwi Off.
Nā Rangiwhakaahua
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Iwi Off
He tino pai te Iwi Off ki ahau nā te mea he tino pai
ngā waiata i ako ai ahau. Oh, i wareware i ahau tētahi mea, i haere te kura o
Whakapūmau me te kura o Whānau Tahi ki tēnei hui. Tē taea te wareware Te Whānau
Puāwai o Ngākaunui!
I haere a Ruru 1,Ruru 2 me Ruru 3 ki te IwI Off. I
mua i te wā i haere mātou ki runga i te pahi i kī a matua “Ko koutou te kanohi o te Whānau Puāwai o
Ngākaunui. Ka kōrero tātou i te aha?” “Māori!” “Āe, hoake tātou.”
I ako mātou he waiata hou, ko te ingoa ko ‘Te Waka o
Aoraki’. He tino pai taua waiata ki ahau.
Ka pau te wā ako i a mātou, ka tū ngā rōpū ki te
waiata. I muri i ngā waiata i eke anō mātou i te pahi, ā, ka hoki atu ki te
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Remembering February 22nd, 2011
On February 22nd my friends and I made a love heart in the sandpit for Remembrance day.
We thought about Christchurch and how we lost all the people and all the buildings that we lost in the February quake; so we decided to make a remembrance heart.
First we drew the shape of the heart, then we dug around it.
Next we wrote "We love Chch" in the middle of it.
I felt happy that we had done something to remember all those people.
Nā Rhiannon
Monday, October 3, 2011
Pōwhiri for Matua Te Rau
On Tuesday, September 27th we welcomed Matua Te Rau to our kura.
Nau mai, tauti mai Matua Te Rau... |
... ki te Kura o Roimata |
Ka whakaako a Matua Te Rau i Ruru 2.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Iwi Off
During Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, on Thursday, July 7, Ruru 1 and Ruru 2 travelled to CPiT to take part in the Iwi Off event.
Our tamariki divided into each of the iwi groups, learning a waiata from that iwi.
A fun morning was had by everyone.
Our tamariki divided into each of the iwi groups, learning a waiata from that iwi.
A fun morning was had by everyone.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Te Rā Makawe Pōrangi
I te Rāmere 8 o Paenga-whāwhā i haere te kura ki te papa tākaro mo te rā makawe pōrangi. Tuatahi i tū, ā, i whakaatu ngā tuakana i o rātou makawe pōrangi rawa atu.
I whai muri i tērā i hikoi ngā tāina a porowhita a tuakana ki a koha a taina ki te pōrangi makawe.
Kātahi, i kanikani ngā kaiako i toa a - Whaea Rere rātou ko Ms Haylock, ko Miss Lynch, ko Lynda.
Ki tōku nei whakaaro te pai hoki o te rā makawe pōrangi.
Nā Taylor
I whai muri i tērā i hikoi ngā tāina a porowhita a tuakana ki a koha a taina ki te pōrangi makawe.
Kātahi, i kanikani ngā kaiako i toa a - Whaea Rere rātou ko Ms Haylock, ko Miss Lynch, ko Lynda.
Ki tōku nei whakaaro te pai hoki o te rā makawe pōrangi.
Nā Taylor
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Smarter Than the Average Bear
On the morning of Friday, April 1st, Ruru 2 went over to K3 and K4 to have a bear hunt in the school grounds.
After a while the teachers came out to give us instructions. It took a while to explain all the instructions but at least they kept us all interested, well most of us thought it was interesting.
After the instructions, we all got into groups. My group was Taylor, Anania and myself.
As soon as we got into groups we all got special clue papers with pictures.
After a little bit of explaining and getting given an obvious clue we were up and running and ready to go get those clues. Most of them were difficult, but some of them were obvious.
The hardest clue was the green plastic man in front of the office. Most of us thought it was a pogo stick. One of the easiest clues of the bunch was the cracks in the walkway in front of the office. It was pretty easy to find.
Once we had found all the clues we had to unscramble all of the letters we had found to make a phrase. It was pretty hard and we needed some hints because there were lots of vowels, but eventually most groups cracked the code.
After the hunt was finished everybody thought it was exciting and fun.
Nā Wiremu
After a while the teachers came out to give us instructions. It took a while to explain all the instructions but at least they kept us all interested, well most of us thought it was interesting.
After the instructions, we all got into groups. My group was Taylor, Anania and myself.
As soon as we got into groups we all got special clue papers with pictures.
After a little bit of explaining and getting given an obvious clue we were up and running and ready to go get those clues. Most of them were difficult, but some of them were obvious.
The hardest clue was the green plastic man in front of the office. Most of us thought it was a pogo stick. One of the easiest clues of the bunch was the cracks in the walkway in front of the office. It was pretty easy to find.
Once we had found all the clues we had to unscramble all of the letters we had found to make a phrase. It was pretty hard and we needed some hints because there were lots of vowels, but eventually most groups cracked the code.
After the hunt was finished everybody thought it was exciting and fun.
Nā Wiremu
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